
11,842 updates
2 tips
hosma was updated.
7 years ago
1 like
I really wonder how many followers I currently have
redrum 7 years ago

42 my dude

1 like
hosma 7 years ago

Wow, what an unfunny joke

Just saying carat.html got moved to /misc/
1 like
this is nice website
1 like
Thank you Hosma for being my 1st follower I really appreciate it! - Jariel
shelfdust 7 years ago

Now I am your third follower

1 like
thanks for the follow
Hi! Thank you for liking my website! ^_^ There will be more soon.
Hey, I was looking at your website and saw the cool cmd style thing at the start. But was wondering how to put the delay between the first text and the second part could you help me please?
hosma 7 years ago

I'm not really good at explaining, take a look at the script in the source. I made it wait a certain amount of time before changing the elements' visibility and such. setTimeout(function(){/*executable code goes here*/},/*time goes here as integer (1000 = 1sec)*/);

rift 7 years ago

Thanks mate i took a quick look and i thing i get it now, btw - love the website

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Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedJan 7, 2016
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