The Crayon Box

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Y'know, now that I've made so much progress in such a short amount of time, I really don't like how the homepage looks tbh. I'm gonna start working on restructuring it a little, adding a few fancy graphics, and changing up the font styles a bit. Please stand by while I work on all this
FINALLY figured out how to do scrollboxes with a sticky header, which means I gotta remake all the character pages with the new method. So, a lot of these pages will probably be a tad broken, specifically if you go to the personality section. I'm trying my best here, I promise.
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Making actual, concrete progress on literally ANY of the pages in the OC Directory < Adding a marquee with song lyrics associated with that character that doesn't technically add anything important but looks pretty
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 24, 2023
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