Tyler's Webbed Site

958 updates
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A spoonful of an update tonight. Added static versions of some flashing buttons which replace the animated GIF versions if you have prefers-reduced-motion, and added lazy loading support for a few more images.
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Just pushed an update to the site, with a new shrine for Exceed Fighting System. Me and my IRL friends got into it a bit ago so it would mean a lot if you checked it out! Also moved some images to my local site to cut down on hotlinking.
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Small update coming in right now. Moved the WiiRing widget to a dedicated Webrings section on my site, and some small tweaks for better compatability with screen-readers.
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Just made a sizable update to my website compressing the three-column layout to just two, a to-do list for content, and some more site buttons for the "sites I think are cool" section.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 26, 2023
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