
2,753 updates
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Kalechips was updated.
2 years ago
So I've completely restructured the layout and so far I haven't found anything broken. Yay! The 2 columns didn't necessarily look bad on mobile, but they weren't the best for reading walls of text, so it's one column everywhere now. I also consolidated all the random bullshit pages to their own page. If you do find something broken, please let me know!
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kalechips 2 years ago

Also I added a plain CSS style just in case you think all my background image choices are disgusting and awful

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I have realized that this website's true calling is to host my hot takes (and brownie recipes), so I'm going to be restructuring it so the blog...thing... is the main attraction and not just a side feature. Pardon the dust over the next few days. (Yes I just made this website like a week ago and I'm already making major changes. Don't look at me)
Kalechips was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
Hi, thanks for the nice message! Your site design is very nice. I'll have to try out the scones sometime.
1 like
Kalechips was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
Kalechips was updated.
2 years ago

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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