The Renaissance Man, Revisited

1,497 updates
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Love the little play on your splash page. There's something so earnest and seasoned about the way you combine pictures and text, in the site and the zines. Fun to read about the motivations behind muse ariadne. Seeing a lot of loneliness & communion themes, bridging gaps, in the writings about writing. Also, LOVE your poems.
tehuan 3 months ago

thank you so much, you're such a sweetheart ! this means so much :] those definitely are the themes i write most about 😅 but genuinely tysm ^)^ i love your site so much too ! your essays are so wonderful n thoughtful and definitely leave me making lots of connections

Hey! Love your site and the cozy clutter. It's so joyful to see you having fun with it. If you still wanna do the cursor stuff, the CSS you want (on the html tag) is something like html { cursor: url("whatever.png") 0 0, auto; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
girlfreak 3 months ago

Thank you so much!

What a fun project!! I've added a /muse.html page to my site but I don't have a button at present. It's on the to-do list haha
swiftred 3 months ago

So exciting to see you join!!!

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tehuan 3 months ago

wonderful ! adding you now and i'll just link you via text :]

mikegrindle 3 months ago

"abandoned freewebs websites" - always fun to come across a fellow former freewebs user :-)

kph 3 months ago

Oh, good, I'm so glad you also remember freewebs fondly. I know the whole thing on here is geocities nostalgia, but freewebs was the first silly little home on the web for me and a lot of my friends! haha

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mikegrindle 3 months ago

Yeah, I have some fond memories building freeweb sites with school friends. As you say, Geocities gets all the love but freewebs seems to have been mostly forgotten.

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Wow, you have a really cool site! Love the doily in the background of your splash page and the mirror moth!! The moth especially. Always fun to see a fellow fiber artist, and don't discount the 3D possibilities of knitting! Can't wait to see what else you work on.
swiftred 3 months ago

This means so much coming from you!! Thank you kindly! I really look up to you. You were one of the first few websites I found here, and I feel at home reading your essays.

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owlroost 6 months ago

I don't think I saw this before- my day has been made. Thank you so much! Making me want to do something similar for sites that inspire me. (You'd probably appreciate that I read part of Vero to start off a song last year: )

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owlroost 6 months ago

Excited to see you moving your poems over! I don't think I've told you, but your poetry inspired me to make a more regular practice of writing my own.

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CreatedMay 1, 2023
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essays philosophy queer poetry recipes