O, the tides

448 updates
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Hello, thank you very much for the follow! Your websites looks amazing πŸ’•
vencake 7 months ago

Ty! I love how yours is separated in a theme. It also reminded me of the old fairy websites that used to be a thing.

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Good morning friends, conservatoire started sooner than expected. I'm very busy all day and in the evening when I get home I'm too tired to code. I'm very sorry, I'll be back as soon as possible. Hugs, Marija β™₯️
inkcaps 7 months ago

Take care of yourself, I can't wait to hear about your adventures at your conservatory at some point! How amazing is it you have that opportunity!! β™₯️β™₯️

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ladyofthesea 7 months ago

@inkcaps Hello Sarah, you're always so very sweet πŸ’• Thank you very much, I'd love to talk about more my experience and maybe write more about music! I've also read your reply to my my message on your gb, when I have more free time I'd be very happy to exchange contacts with you and chat πŸ’“ I wish you a beautiful weekend, hugs! πŸ’–

Hello lovelies, I'm so sorry for disappearing again! I'm doing okay but I'm very busy with my studies, I promise I'll be back at the end of September (I have so many new ideas!). I miss you all, I can't wait to check everyone's updates. Hugs, Marija β™₯️
inkcaps 8 months ago

Hi Marija, I'm glad that you're doing well!! It's nice to hear that school is keeping you occupied, but I hope things slow down enough so you have time to breathe. Excited to see what comes next!! ;u;

super cool site! love the concept!
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ladyofthesea 9 months ago

Thank you very much! :)

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inkcaps 9 months ago

Not the lily graphics being beautiful, and the cherry wine cake sounding delicious! How cool that you used your own preserves for the cake! Canning is something I really want to try, it seems like a ton of fun! ;u; And a way to hold onto the memories of a particular season β™‘β™‘

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ladyofthesea 9 months ago

@inkcaps: Hi Sarah, thank you very much! You should totally try when you have the time, it's not going to be perfect the first times but eventually you'll find out what works for you (I still have to ask my aunties for help sometimes ...)! Homemade canned good just taste different and, like you said, they really do hold special memories. β™₯ Hugs!!

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ladyofthesea 9 months ago

Added two diary entries I wrote a few days ago and I revamped my kitchen (it's a wip, I'm not sure about this new layout). More recipes coming soon! :) Hugs, Marija.

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datura 9 months ago

Yeah new recipes β™‘β™‘β™‘

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inkcaps 9 months ago

Your recipes sound absolutely delicious, I'll have to try them!!

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ladyofthesea 9 months ago

@datura: Hi Sue, you're back! You're always so sweet! <3 @inkcaps: Thank you very much dear, please let me know when you do! <3 I'm always open to critiques and suggestions.

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CreatedJul 22, 2020
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