
108 updates
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rowdy new rambling. I'll probably end up writing an entire article on that bullshit
sirluddite was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
bugcreature 2 years ago

This piece you've written is really great

1 like
watching Answer in Progress's math-hate video like "go girl! look at her go!"
sirluddite was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
sirluddite was updated.
2 years ago
Pushing part of that massive update I mentioned before.
sirluddite was updated.
2 years ago
I've been thinking about whether or not I want to rework the shrines page to have a comparative file organization structure to the journal. I can see myself adding to and removing from that home page over time, but I also do like the idea of having at least a few parts of the site not using scripts. Decisions, decisions.
Re-working journal pages to properly utilize instead of . Will likely commit further corrections prior to re-upload.
sirluddite was updated.
2 years ago

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedDec 31, 2021
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personal journaling philosophy