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WHAT I just checked your page, I had no idea it changed so much while I was on hiatus :0 It looks so cool!!
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houg 1 year ago

I do have a question though... How did you get the tab title thingy to do the marquee slide thingy? I think it's really neat but I don't know how to do it :V

magnapina 1 year ago

OH Thank you so much!!!!!!!! and heres what i used for it-> sorry i wish i knew a way to share it as just text without having to make a whole new page.... I'm pretty sure I just found it online by searching "Scrolling tab title javascript" tho lol

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my images are mad at me
magnapina 1 year ago

it's mikus birtday

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venoshock 1 year ago

the art is so cute c: love the coloring esp! also hbd to miku!

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lhfm 1 year ago

Cute Miku art!

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lhfm 1 year ago


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magnapina 1 year ago

yukari has so many cute line stickers... needed her on here

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magnapina 1 year ago

I Literally do not know how to get my code to not make the image preview look horrible by placing one of the sidebars below everything else. It doesnt do that when i open it unless i zoom in 120%. If anyone knows how to make it not do that i would love to know how. thank you

localfool 1 year ago

Maybe a way to fix it would to make your webpage reactive with grids (or something similar, you could use "@media (max-width: ...ect) as well)! I think he reason why it looks like that on the preview is because the previews screen is too small for the way the layout is structured so instead of having the items go off of the edge it just pushes it ""to the next line"" if that makes sense????

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magnapina 1 year ago

that makes sense! Ive figured thats what it was, but i kind of have no idea how to fix it. ive been trying to make it more responsive but it hasn't really been working.. I might just have to rewrite half this page over the weekend lol

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I Think i am going to remake most of my website. (<-said 2 days after starting college classes when i should have worked on this over summer break instead)
one year since i started my “recent listens” vocaloid page…. absolutely crazy

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 3, 2021
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personal art vocaloid music