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I do want to have it arranged eventually that the "Play gifs" buttons will toggle animated backgrounds to play as well, but I'm still looking for ways that can be done with Javascript. If anyone has articles or tutorials that could help me here I'd really appreciate it! ;-; for now, my compromise is that I've replaced animated gif backgrounds with static versions in CSS for the pages.
magneticdogz 4 months ago

I'm still going to work through adding GIF toggle buttons to pages with animated gifs where it hasn't been done yet. I do have some other ambitious ideas (ambitious as in, it would be a LOT of coding work but it'd be worth it) to try making this site accessible to as many people as possible

solaria 4 months ago

that should be relatively easy! you can use js to change the background image to the static version (include that js in the functiuon you use to pause gifs) and then in the functiojn you use to play gifs you can use js to change the background property back to the gif file!

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solaria 4 months ago

something like document.getElementById('exampleID').style.backgroundImage = 'frozenpic.jpg'; should work :3

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I have been kind of demotivated to work on my website after the New Year started, but I promise to pick up the slack soon! Sidenote, I got a new laptop this Christmas that has a bigger display than my old one, and I plan to adjust my website to display better with the larger monitor. Hopefully I can code it in such a way that it'll display the same across all kinds of different displays..
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magneticdogz 4 months ago

As far as I can tell only a few pages are affected by this so there won't be HUGE changes in display across the website. But I will try to make the changes regardless

Have updated the join forms for the Helltaker and Hollow Knight fanlistings to include options for the user to not display your e-mail. I had genuinely forgotten to include it before - if you joined either fanlistings and would like your e-mail removed from the page, please let me know!!!
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CreatedFeb 13, 2022
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personal art 90s 2000s fandom