Occasionally, content

1,918 updates
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letslearntogether 4 days ago

That last paragraph is pure poetry. "Like a Devonian sea creature that had just evolved jaws." Hahaha! As for the type, I imagine that they are just shore crabs no?

murid 4 days ago

Those crabs aren't found in my part of the world. The mystery continues...

letslearntogether 3 days ago

Hmmm...the Pacific equivalent might be a species of Hemigrapsus, like or ...But I'm not sure, so I will keep looking...

hi, thanks for the follow! love your writing, so funny (your about me... your gundam list... your harry potter page... tbh, pretty impressive how much you got right) -- looking forward to your (occasional) content
murid 3 weeks ago

Thanks. I like your writing too and I'm looking forward to going through your website. Though I'm a bit disappointed that your "Centring text" is not a guide on how to center text in css. I can never remember how to do that properly.

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sorbier 3 weeks ago

LOL! i will write a blog post about literally centring text. can i mention you in the post?

murid 3 weeks ago

Yeah, sure go ahead.

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lhfm 3 weeks ago

You've made the modern human condition sound so metal haha

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ig it's not necessarily the aim, but I like your site layout, especially the gallery! more to the point I enjoy your writing, and love the pushback I'm seeing (from you and more generally) to an internet presence having to constantly produce "content"
murid 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the complement. I really need to update that gallery with newer art someday.

I only just got around to reading your comics. They're really pleasant to read.
murid 3 weeks ago

Thanks. I sometimes wonder about who actually reads the stuff in that section.

773tk 2 months ago

really glad you have found so much value in keeping your art small and personal like that, since have also had the same experience this past year.

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lint 2 months ago


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bigbadboyyo 2 months ago

amazing post

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mysticscave 2 months ago

Don't know if you care for feedback, but the microblog layout is a little uncomfortable to navigate, with my eyes I mean. Read one entry...go left, down, back up, or even right?

murid 2 months ago

It was never meant to be read in any order and it started out as an experiment. I'm not even sure how it looks on other people's screens and looking back on it the code is really messy and hacked together. Redesigning the microblog is one of the things on my list, but it's pretty far down at the moment.

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CreatedApr 11, 2021
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