Nickle4aPickle on NeoCities

823 updates
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So, I'm very much considering changing my website up a *lot.* My main idea right now is to keep what I've got, but also make a pixel section of my site. I used to do pixel art a ton back in the day, and I really wanna get back into it now that I've got a new computer! So I'm thinking of making a landing page where you can pick which side of the site you wanna go to: the pixel site or my faves site!
nickle4apickle 1 year ago

It's just an idea right now, but I wanted to put it out there nonetheless!

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skykristal 1 year ago

That sounds pretty cool actually. ^^

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Thank you so much for following me back ~a month ago! I really appreciate it! :D
Hey! Remember me from dA? I ran Neon Spectrum Stables, and you drew a breeding between 2 of our horses! I still absolutely adore the baby I got from the breeding, Oenone!
sleepysprout 4 months ago

I DO remember you! I've known you far past neonspectrumstables though. I've spoke to you on nickle4apickle ages before that. I've always considered you a friend : )

Aaaahhh thanks so much for following me! I've loved your site for a while now!
keysklubhouse 1 year ago

Oh well thank you so much! I like your site as well!

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Sorry I'm really late on this, but thanks so much for following me ~a month ago! I really appreciate it! ^^
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geeky-jay 1 year ago

Welp I'm also late on this as well (cuz i haven't updated my site for like months) so I think we're even lol. No prob!

Sorry I'm so late on this, but I just saw that you followed me ~a month ago! Thanks so much! Your site is very cute, I'll add a link to you on mine!
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Hey, it's PBCPony from dA! I see that you linked my dA on your Links page, OMG thanks so much! ;w; I'm DEFINITELY adding a link to your site on mine!
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sugarvamp 1 year ago

Hey there! It's so funny, I JUST refreshed my activity feed when you followed and immediately recognized you! I'll be linking back to here too! I'm glad you're on Neocities too~! uwu

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nickle4apickle 1 year ago

Wow, the thumbnail for the "Not Found" page does *not* reflect the changes I made *at all*. XD Not even the text!

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedApr 29, 2022
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kpop videogames anime pixelart nostalgia