nomiti's bad posts (dot boo)

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second post today (though this one's technically a few days old???): a todo list! i've been getting really excited to learn all the stuff CSS got in the past few years, so I wanted to put down some of my favorite bits.
made a post all about using a open framework of a CSS postprocessor to get mad about web browsers. wait no come back i didn't even link it yet--
well if i have to do it myself i just will. here's a post that's technically about plugins for a static web generator but is actually just about me getting really mad about stair lifts:
i have been using neocities, on and off, for weird shit for over a decade; i only just now realized that there's an entire profile page i've never touched before literally this moment. coincidentally does anyone know how to disable that "updated the site" thing because i am someone who liked to update the css roughly once every ten minutes

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJan 12, 2024
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ffxiv blog personal css linux