Enter? || Noxernia || Stellarium

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...That moment when a significant part of your personal library is teen/young adult literature because your mental illnesses make it harder to process classical literature and anything overly complicated in the adult lit. categories. :| siiiigh. Well, I've managed a few older stuff. The Secret Commonwealth by robert kirk was HELL and I only deciphered it with help from various blogs and websites, but yeah.
noxernia 2 years ago

...It also helps that my special interest is faeries. Haha.

Voice to text is a godsend. Every time Rainstorms in July updates their site I want to write. :| But I have brainworms and they never want to let me type or write out anything. Apparently speaking is easier for me when it comes to fiction. Someday I will update my damn site properly.
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chronic sleepy disease
april has kind of been 'i am drained of all energy' kind of month

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedAug 20, 2021
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