1,793 updates
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augghhh i just accidentally misclicked and deleted your comment from my site ':]..... thank you for adding my button!!!!
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oneiric-somnolence 11 months ago

its alright lol ToT no problem!!

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hey dude. do u have a graphic i can link to u with on my friends and neighbors? cool if no, i'll just make one lol. and, unrelated... what's ur art fight link? O.O
pencilvoid 11 months ago

hey! you can see my site's 88x31 button if you open the dropdown in the sidebar. you can just right click and save it. also here's my art fight profile lol:

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oneiric-somnolence 11 months ago

i have no idea why i didn't see that lol

if u see this an' i haven't put you on friends and neighbors, reply if you want me to! even if you don't follow me yet. always lookin' for new sites to follow back!!
think i'm doin' art fight this year! check it:
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just mentioning for the sake of topicality: the main layout of my site is from (i believe an earlier version of) sad grl's layout template. my zonelets blog is... zonelets. an' my admin profile is a free to use template from here: ( i do not agree with stealing pages from people's websites. especially not without heavy editing.
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oneiric-somnolence 11 months ago

if you like the way someone does something and it is not a free to use template, i recommend looking at how they do it and learning for yourself. i recommend learning it for yourself even with free templates but i am rather lazy. if u "steal code," steal bits rather than whole pages and modify it. and for sure credit when appropriate. don't make a fool of yourself and respect the work of others.

sorry for the silence. been working on content stuff and actually making things for once in my life. stay tuned!
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pixelsafari 11 months ago

to quote the melonland forum: "you don't owe anything! just enjoy your time here :]"

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getting stuff as ready as possible before i upload the first comic without spoiling anything is rather annoying... but i'm terribly insistent...
oneiric-somnolence 12 months ago

perhaps we build hype? who cares. things comin' if i can actually do 'em.

yoo-- whats with the new followers? obviously i love it but i'm barely updating atm so idk how u guys found me. anyway, welcome to somnolence, folks! happy 2 have u!!
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CreatedNov 18, 2022
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