Crow's digital house

4,243 updates
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okay so I was. going to do site update stuff but I slept funny and my shoulders hurt
owthehedge 1 month ago

if I can find a way to to comfortably do updates on my phone I will let you know

I need more buttons on my computer I need this thing to feel like a sensory board I don't even need them to be useful. they will have a use and it's the satisfaction of flipping like 5 switches to turn my computer on
leizy8499 1 month ago

booting up your computer like an airplane terminal every morning

owthehedge 1 month ago

@leizy8499 exactly !!!

anyways I should make an entire page for my cat it's vital that you see him
update to homepage v2! it now has an about section:
owthehedge 1 month ago

i think tommorow i'll work on a recent art section and maybe have a way of editing it without going through the whole page (possibly via iframes, im unsure how those work and i think it might be worth it to learn with something simple !!)

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snewberry 1 month ago

cutee excited to see it develop :)

1 like
owthehedge 1 month ago

thanks ^^ !!

also while im eating have some recent art i havent been able to upload, including my art in its natural enviroment (the nintendo 2ds game notes):
owthehedge 1 month ago

why does it make you download the folder instead of just. sending you to the folder on the filegarden website. whatever download if you want ill put some plain links below though !!

owthehedge 1 month ago

okay, that should be the links for the individual images. they're seperated by dashes (-) if you struggle seeing where one link starts and the other ends!

i don't think it counted as an update in the eyes of the activity page but i updated a little to remove federis button in the wake of the "drama" surrounding the project (and my activity feed being nothing but that) because i dont support it anymore. good intentions bad management, seems like it got too big for them to handle. in happier news i think ill continue work on homepage v2 when im done eating!
federiefederi 1 month ago

thanks for letting us know, Crow! we understand your point, you're welcome to come back again anytime if you change your mind~ (you can delete our reply if you want!)

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owthehedge 1 month ago

thank you, hope you have a nice day !! remember to take breaks and all

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owthehedge 1 month ago

new recent art ! heres the link for easy access. also theres more ive been forgetting to show you my bad for that i will also link those in a second

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owthehedge 1 month ago

i decided to make a character similar to maya because shes so fun to draw, so here's saturn :D !!

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owthehedge 1 month ago

I don't have a method for shading metal other than "ooo shiny". and it works its shiny

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I love checking up here even if I don't have the energy to do an update or anything. it's so fun I love seeing everyone's stuff
owthehedge 1 month ago

put a disclaimer on my characters page about my writing abilities. still better than the warrior cats writers though <3

owthehedge 1 month ago

i might be flawed myself but i have the ability to know "hey maybe when writing a book for (impressionable) kids where the story is that a kid gets groomed you should handle that with care and spell out the abuse more clearly so your (once again i remind you. easily influnced) audience dont get the wrong message"

owthehedge 1 month ago

like its a whole other debate about it in other books but i think if youre going to write a story about abuse with a child/young teenage audience in mind you should maybe. tell them the signs of abuse so they can recognize it in their own lives and avoid it. i dont think we should avoid telling kids this entirely. but be careful with what you say

i need to put a disclaimer on my characters page actually hold on

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CreatedNov 3, 2023
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