Parnikkapore's website

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parnikkapore 4 years ago

Some changes to the lightbox!

parnikkapore 4 years ago

Contact page is updated with ALL THE LINKS! Also, a fix for the Lightbox issues is available on my local hard drive, but the server won't let me upload the file somehow :(

Rare to see a Neocities page that holds up to modern style! πŸ˜„
You seem to be learning a lot of tools and creating your own things! Nice!
1 like
This site is really excellent creepypasta material! Maybe update the links on pages accessible from /index.html a bit?
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3e3e3e3 4 years ago

like /smartphone.html ? i know that one is **** on mobile πŸ˜… can you be more specific?

parnikkapore 4 years ago

like, as far as I can tell, there's no way someone can get to, say, /smartphone.html from . The only way to know that page exists is via checking the site profile.

parnikkapore 4 years ago

In this update: /feed.htm is retired (so all the menus change!), and there's an extra experiment in "imggallery"!

Apparently I can post comments now! Woohoo! :)
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 10, 2019
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modern personal css blog