Pixel Moondust ☽☾

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okies, got my archived sites pages uploaded :3 it only has two on it rn, but im getting my list added to currently!!
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been going through all my bookmarks of geocities sites ive found, and man...makes me so mad that yahoo shut geocities down 😞 like really and truly....entire sites and lil internet communities gone forever. fucked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone!!! i updated my archive tiles page to the new layout :3c pls...pls tell me if it looks good or not T~T i think im gonna split it up between colours and categories bc Wow its a lot of images to load but! for now its ok~
took me changing my code like 1000 times, but i think i got my theme to work w/my tile backgrounds!!!
heh, think i got the basics for my archival pages done :3c just gotta see. how itll all work with my tiles bc there are. so many. will the layout get all fucky??? god. please i hope not T~T
pixelmoondust 1 month ago

ohhhhh son of the gets so screwed up

think ive decided to make the size for my archive page 800x600, just as a fun lil change :3 its so lovely not having to worry abt what it looks like for other sizes 🙏🏻
wondering if i should make the design for my archived sites pages 800x600 bc that was around the size things used to be for sites which would be nice bc i hate making a site have to look good on different sizes but also. it would be so small.................
pixelmoondust 1 month ago

would anyone perhaps have any opinions? ^-^

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waaaaah, your site is so wonderful~! thank you sm for the follow :3
antikrist 1 month ago

thank youu! i like yours as well!! <3

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CreatedDec 23, 2022
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