Rarebit | HTML Webcomic Template

55 updates
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Yo, this template saved my ass when my website builder website crashed. Super appreciate this education, as I was able to jump in, learn fast and make a whole new website. I'll spread the love for sure. Never coded a website before and now I feel quite comfortable. Thank you!
rarebit 1 year ago

no prob, your comic is really cool and I love what you did with the theme. lemme know if you have a 468x60 banner you want me to host on the site!

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brotherswebcomic 1 year ago

*Will do! Thank you!

THIS IS SUCH A GREAT TOOL I'm telling all my friends
I LOVE THIS TEMPLATE!! I got everything set up in a couple of hours, and customized to my liking very easily. Here's the sub-sub-sub page I made with Rarebit:
I'm so happy to have found this site! Thanks so much for sharing and making the web-comicking process that much easier ;w; <3
Hi! I'm the knucklehead in charge of setting up using Rarebit, and I been fumbling a bit with setting up Disqus on each new comic page. Do you have any idea if Disqus is optimal for Rarebit, or is something else a better option? <:) as I'm not very code savvy, I'm not sure if I can make it work, so better ask before diving into the rabbithole, I guess. Thank you for bringing us Rarebit! ^_^
rarebit 2 years ago

ahh im sorry i didnt see this comment until just now! Did you end up gettin disquis to work? It seems like it's working pretty well on the site right now. I've actually never messed around with it myself honestly haha.

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Website Stats

Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedMar 18, 2021
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webcomic template html javascript comics