Qernz 0f i3

4,664 updates
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thank you to nimiria and antomyofmelancholy for the follows!
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nimiria 10 months ago

no problem!! i'm so happy i stumbled upon your site, the work you're doing is seriously inspiring and super super cool and creative. i only parsed through the pages yesterday, but i want to sit down and read this story in its entirety when i have the time. good luck on all your endeavors!

hey so a few updates...1 im finally going to put more time into this lil project and make it truly shine the way it was meant to be and most importantly 2) Im working on possibly giving this project a game of sorts. Updates for the next segment will of course be slow but consistent (im aiming to be on a more monthly basis with it cause I'll be adding pages as well as updating old ones, primarly dreams and blog)
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sninkygle 10 months ago

so yeah im excited to get back into this project and polish the dust of our mind's eye

sninkygle 10 months ago

im hoping to be on a more biweekly basis with this adding 1-2 pages each time

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The darkest desire can only be fulfilled if you forsake your inner child and embrace the hidden urges hidden deep within your flesh.
sninkygle 10 months ago

tooltip from somewhere probably

Qernz 0f i3 was updated.
1 year ago
damn no blue check for me :9
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sninkygle 1 year ago

next site update soon?

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he was a true hero he was an honest man but most importantly he was my dearest ratman rest in piss ratchat

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 4, 2019
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horror art stories aesthetic