strata on neocities

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shelfdust 6 years ago

You westerners swear so much that it doesn't even count as cursing anymore.

strata 6 years ago

I'm sorry - this is all we westerners can do.

vas 6 years ago

It's cause you didn't grow up speaking English. English swearwords aren't associated with mummy smacking you over the head for saying something taboo, so you don't have the mental connections an Englishman would have.

flaum 6 years ago

my uni is in an expensive part of the city, so I have to pay over 850 USD for my own room... quite stifling. what's an expensive loft in germany like?

flaum 6 years ago

I wish gays weren't so hypersexual, it's kinda scary sometimes

owlman 6 years ago

>I wish gays weren't so hypersexual : I don't think it's gay people who are the only people who are hypersexual, I know alot of st teen guys who want the s*x with women

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flaum 6 years ago

@owlman yeah, such is true. it's so hard for everyone to communicate their true intentions...

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strata 6 years ago

@1: 400-500€ for a tiny room at the edge of town.

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owlman 6 years ago

[A long comment talking about your post]

Just crawled your blog (and dream log), your subversive writing style and anti-American attitude is exactly what I need in my life right now. Very well thought out and exactly the right level of snark. Good, good shit, fam.
strata 6 years ago

Hahah, thanks. To be honest, I thought it was becoming too disparaging at times but I'm glad you like it!

exosilver 6 years ago

Nah my guy, I'm all for it. Too disparaging would be calling for the deaths of all journalists. 👀

strata 6 years ago

I wonder where that came from...

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vas 6 years ago

Kill all "kill all journalists" spamming edgelords!

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

ayy in my country we have 3 public channels: 1, 2 and 3. We pay it using tax money(no separate payment). It's free to watch for everyone. There used to be a lot of separate broadcasters(from Pillarisation), each broadcaster a different style, but they are getting more and more merged together. Channel 1 is news/general, channel 2 knowledge/society(documentaries), channel 3 youngsters channel. Pillarisation

joppiesaus 6 years ago

everytime i zap to arte there's something boring being broadcasted ._.

strata 6 years ago

Now imagine arte being the most interesting channel.

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websitering 6 years ago

PBS has been doing ok with donations since the 70's...

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

liek if u cri because it's like another mediocre romantic comedy where you want the main characters to come back together but this time they don't but it's ok i guess

joppiesaus 6 years ago

love you strata ♥

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strata 6 years ago

right back at you!

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strata 6 years ago

(what trips me up is i can't remember mentioning Underworld anywhere!)

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vas 6 years ago

> qt gfs coming in all colours > be racist > butwhy.jpg

strata 6 years ago

I think that was meant as a joke. He's an exploiting arse without any empathy whatsoever though.

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vas 6 years ago

> TFW expecting a furfag to have empathy :^)

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strata 6 years ago

I was naive.

goodmode 6 years ago

just curious are you actually a nazi

strata 6 years ago

are you serious?

goodmode 6 years ago

im not good at discerning jokes thru text so yeah

vas 6 years ago

He's as nazi as I am stalinist, and we met together to re-enact the negotiations for the USSR joining the Axis.

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

Unfortunately, the negotiations went something like this ->

strata 6 years ago

PSA: I'm certainly no nazi. I don't even understand how someone might get the idea.

goodmode 6 years ago

apologies, i got the discomforted feeling bc i googled the word obergruppenführer and also there was a swastika on the page so i was like Uhhhhhhhhhh

strata 6 years ago

Understandable, no offense taken, although ->vas<- was responsible for that content. Probably he's the nazi here!

vas 6 years ago

Yeah, uh, I'm a nazi communist. All the things! Also my synagogue is in a mosque.

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strata 6 years ago

1: Man, I love you. 2: I also love Xfce. 3: These icons are terrible. 4: Are you browsing my site with fucking Emacs?

vas 6 years ago

Thanks, it's actually Openbox + random utilities, icons are Haiku, and yes (for the memes).

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strata 6 years ago

How does it feel to trick friends with the xfce icon/panel? :(

vas 6 years ago

Also I just saw the message on Xmpp idk why I hadn't before. Probably blindness considering I'm almost constantly online.

vas 6 years ago

If you think this is deceptive you should have seen my amazing Solaris theme earlier this year. Imagine Windows 2000, but pink. 💯💯💯💯💯

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strata 6 years ago

Whew, and I thought I was too dumb to handle XMPP. Do you still have some screenshots of that splendid theme?

vas 6 years ago

I don't think any has survived but I'll post them on the blog if I recover any.

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headache-booth 6 years ago

my openbox setup is lame as shit

strata 6 years ago

Fuck, I missed my one year anniversary!!!!!!

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owlman 6 years ago

Oh nice, it's StrataNet™!

flaum 6 years ago

ah, this hits the spot

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flaum 6 years ago

i don't know how it is in Germany, but everyone minds their own business in the gym here (southern california, so everyone goes to the gym). try it out!

strata 6 years ago

Everybody is telling me that, b-but.. aaa :(

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

idk why you should feel ashamed... you're just trying to exercise like everyone in the gym!

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strata 6 years ago

but other people could be more skilled ://

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goodmode 6 years ago

the people who are more skilled are also the people way more focused on their workout routines to worry about who else is around! i'm gonna start once i get the money and if i get buff i will knock out everyone in your local gym for you so you can exercise in peace 💪

strata 6 years ago

you guys are too wholesome. ;__; I'll check it out.

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

Strata, don't! It's a trap! It's a tra-


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