~S u p e r N o v a~

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supernxva 1 year ago

Added some more art! :D

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supernxva 1 year ago

Sorry it's been so long since I've been here, but I've been drawing a lot lately. I put a lot of the (digital) art I've been doing on the art page! :D

moonlit-blossom 1 year ago

i love ur drawings omg THEYRE SO PRETTY

supernxva 1 year ago

Thank you!! :D

jwhiuuiwdhiwehewh Its snowing :'(
chipsfunfun 1 year ago

I like the snow!!!!

1 like
supernxva 1 year ago

I think is pretty, but I don't like how cold it gets cause i have to wear a winter coat :'(

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chipsfunfun 1 year ago

I’m used to it, I’m always cold for some reason. my veins on my arms and legs show up a lot, basically you can see them when I’m cold

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wtf i just witnessed my friend rip an apple in half WITH THEIR HANDS!! wtf :0
pklucky 1 year ago

yooooo thats impressive

omg i was in math today and after our test we had to do a weird question to start off our new unit. I barely knew what was going on but this one boy somehow came to the conclusion that 12+8=26. We're literally taking accelerated math, yet his reasoning was that the 2 and 6 in 26 make 8, so 12+8=26. literallly what the heck
supernxva 1 year ago

me and my friend were just so confused after he said that was his answer. like, what????

pklucky 1 year ago

going by that logic, where does the 12 come in???????

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Yeah, with all of the stuff going on lately, expect even less updates. Not just because of all of this drama, but i've also been focusing much more on art and school. I will be updating the art page of my site with all of my digital art, so at least thats something :D
at this point we cant even go a week without some stupid drama starting up... this sucks.
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yuentp 1 year ago

wait what happened? :0

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supernxva 1 year ago

a transphobe commented on arandomsite's profile, and naturally everyone started yelling at the transphobe. I'm pretty sure thats whats happening, unless I somehow missed something

6 likes The creations page is up!! I also made the art page, and I'm working on the writing page! :D

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 30, 2022
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personal pastel