step inside the dream. . .

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hi there! thank you so much for the follow ((but also sorry that it's taken me so long to send you a note...eek!! ;o; )) i love your new site layout, looks great! ♥
anipike 6 years ago

Thanks! And I really like your site, it looks so lovely. ^_^

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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

aww, thank you so much~!! ^^

arkmsworld 6 years ago

Happy...uh..."Five Days Before Halloween." I figured I should probably respond now since I may not get a chance on the day of, with all the festivities IIIII have planned. 8|

sooo i have a question (and i'm not sure where to ask this question, so i thought i'd try the community here) are browser-based social games (think like Neopets, Gaiaonline) still a thing? like, is there still a market of people looking to play games like that? or has all the interest exclusively moved to mobile games?
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beatnik 6 years ago

They're still a thing, although maybe more niche. Folks who grew up in those communities still dig them. I know Subeta is still pretty active, and there are more being created, like Dappervolk. But I think there are a lot of sites that seem just like knocoff neopets, and those are.. meh. Kinda lame.

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headache-booth 6 years ago

somewhat, i play one called flight rising which is kinda sorta like neopets but with dragons (signups are limited to one week a month and this month's week has already passed)

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headache-booth 6 years ago

it has a counter to show the amount of currently online users and the most i've seen at once was maybe close to 4000?

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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

@beatnik Dappervolk looks BEAUTIFUL, whoa~! *_* i've heard of Subeta thru my obsessive googling lol, nice to hear there are still people making them. i think they're really comfy & would like to make something similar someday~ yeah, i've played too many of those bootleg Neopets games in my youth, they get stale real fast... XD

teddybear-halo 6 years ago

@180p-lemonade Flight Rising looks SO COOL!! i've always wanted to play it but could never manage to get an invite/sign up in time~ ;_; but that's great that it still has a dedicated fanbase, even if it's kinda small!

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headache-booth 6 years ago

i can tell you when next welcome week comes around

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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

@1080p-lemonade sure!! if you can remember, that'd be awesome~ thank you! ^^

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

I almost seem to remember roller rinks. Didn't they exist in the Before Time in the Long Long Ago? ;)

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

I looked really really hard, but I couldn't find a Youtube link to you doing the DDR thing. XD

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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

i've been meaning to take some kind of video of me playing, but i've been waiting for the chance to get to the arcade (& to get someone to film me, haha). life has been a little crazy lately, but i'm working on it, lol! :P

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hello! ^^ this is kinda late (sorry!!) but thank you for the nice comment in my guestbook + follow~ ♥ your site is BEAUTIFUL! i'm in awe of your coding skills~ *w*
starlocked 6 years ago

hi, thank you so much!! have a terrific day!!

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hi there! thank you for the follow, i hope you enjoy my site~! ♥ ^^ your site is looking lovely so far! welcome to Neocities~ keep of the good work, i look forward to seeing more~ ^^
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hi there! thank you for the follow~ ^^ your website looks beautiful!

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