* Pipehole to the rooftop.

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not sure how I'm supposed to execute the idea of storytelling my ocs through websites..but maybe i can get started with my OC blog since that already exists..and maybe make a journal for a specific character
owthehedge 3 months ago

oo, sounds neat :O

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tempoyak1kan 3 months ago

thanks ! I'm aiming for a website way because personally it's easier than making comics and animations but also you don't usually see much websites dedicated to ocs

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I love oc stories that are told through websites..animations, comics and animatics are cool but I personally like strolling through websites to find stuffs..and you can also put your comics n animation on your website so it's all like a big package
tempoyak1kan 3 months ago

im also a sucker for interactive websites lol

ngl my site icon/thumbnail looks cooler using the splash page as index
I am going to consider making a splash page (as I realized I may need that now) and fix up other things also some of the concept art for mad rat dead stages are fire as heck so im using em
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about me page is up!! will be linking to the index buttons later (if anyone notices...the container box is queerplatonic flag coloured...>:] not accurately but close enough to my fitting lel)
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chocolaterevel 3 months ago

Forgetfulness gang rise up

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tempoyak1kan 3 months ago

so true haha

i need a super simple layout for my about me hrmmm...
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tempoyak1kan 3 months ago

FOUND IT and it's responsive too..woohoo !!

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nekoweb is cool and all but I still like neocities..sure you can customize your site thumbnail and you can immediately switch files you wanna edit but I'm much more comfortable on neocities
tempoyak1kan 3 months ago

not to mention i already have awesome neighbors on here lol!! my nekoweb just redirects people to my neocities website anyway so haha

jaggiescrapper 3 months ago

lol! I think the nekoweb is design for specific type of sites. a more feminine, queer and fetish like websites

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CreatedApr 29, 2023
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art personal videogames