haystack blog and oddities

916 updates
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thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

someone on twitter made a sandalphon cursor so i had to spend 3 hours figuring out how to add it to my webbed site

no way... it's so so nice to see other people who enjoy gbf on here!!! i don't come across it often. :,3 i have yet to fully explore your site, but your sandalphon shrine is STUNNING and so so detailed + full of love, and your site is just so clean!!!!! 10/10 i will enjoy continuing to explore your site map.
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thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

yaa i've been trying to hunt down other gbf fans on the small web + am hoping to throw together a webring at some point for em :>. thank you for the kind words, the sandalphon shrine was absolutely a labor of love www

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happy to see another person studying japanese on neocities! I've casually been interested in fountain pens, so your blog post about them was very enlightening. looking forward to seeing your site grow!
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sakuramori 1 month ago

thank you for visiting and reading! always happy to p-enable someone :3c

first of all. nothing happened but I feel the urge to reiterate trans women are women, trans men are men, terfs are not welcome in my corner of the internet
thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

I keep coming across sites that have like one or two Sus things about it and im ngl I wish terfs would just openly say their bigotry sometimes so I can block em and move on instead of secondguessing myself half a dozen times

uhhh it didnt post an update prob b/c i was messing around with the blog part of my site and uploading/deleting things there but. tuesday doodle posted on my art page !
thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

whole bunch of updates. added a /now page, added backlog of art, added a lot more buttons to my links page of people i follow either on site or off

thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

my image host isn't playing nice with neocities right now so you can't actually look at the art that i uploaded... if its still this way in a day or so im going to look into moving image hosts

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thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

freeimagehost is working again yayayay woohoo

thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

preview page is NOT what i want LMAO but sandalphon shrine is finished!! or at least, finished to a point that i feel comfortable publishing it. i have a mini todo list on there for final touches to add/updates to make

thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

1.5k words of me rambling about being a yumedan and being aroace :thumbsup:

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sandalphon shrine is like 90% done but im gonna post it Soon (tm) and just make the small amount of things I haven't done be a todo list since i want to publish this b4 i lose interest and it rots on my harddrive forever
thatoddhaystack 2 months ago

weekly doodle uploaded! also working on a much bigger update to my site in the form of a shrine for sandalphon from granblue fantasy. it is insanely self indulgent. please look forward to it

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedNov 8, 2022
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art programming gamedev