the garden of madeline

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paintkiller 11 months ago

Love the card suits, was not aware of that! The history timeline is awesome, as well.

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

Thank you!! I feel like a lot of asexual culture and history that I saw when I first discovered asexuality as a teenager has kind of been lost, so I really want to showcase some fun stuff that I know about. I’m planning to keep adding to it this week :)

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slinkystuffiefam 11 months ago

Loving the Asexuality page. If you want I can give you css code that provides a custom ace flag scrollbar that you may want? It's your site and totally up to you though.

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

Oh my god, I would appreciate that so much!!! I have a super basic knowledge of html/css, so that would be incredible <3

thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

starting working on something i've been wanting to do for awhile- a hub of resources & information about asexuality :)

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has anyone here participated in art fight before? thinking about trying it this year. i've always thought it looks like a lot of fun, i'd just have to throw some OCs together
bookratsculptures 11 months ago

I tried it one year but got peeved when 2 of my 'attacks' didn't get any acknowledgement from the OC owners at all. However, I have a friend who does it every single year and always has fun

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

Yeah, I don't know a lot about the etiquette of the whole thing. Everyone I've talked to either seemed to love it or dislike it because they didn't get any attacks back, which seems really disappointing. I know that some people make "attack lists" where users mutually agree to attack each other, so maybe I'll look into that

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pip-pepping 11 months ago

I've participated in Artfight for 3 years (2019-2021) and I've had an alright experience so far. I don't suffer from an issue where I don't get enough attacks back (in fact, right now the # of people who have attacked me is higher than how many I've attacked) however there is a small trend I've noticed. A majority of attacks against me are of a particular character of mine who falls on the simpler end of the -

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pip-pepping 11 months ago

- character design spectrum. This could be indicitive of something, however there are other factors like the fact I have so few characters posted on my AF profile compared to the many I actually have. Also not saying that my experience with this trend is universal.

bookratsculptures 11 months ago

It's been a few years, maybe I'll give it another chance. Not getting attack backs doesn't bother me but I hope people are polite enough to fire off a quick 'thanks' this time

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roaratomic 11 months ago

I have, didn't have the best experience. Did 3 or 4 attacks, got no defenses, and one of the people I attacked chewed me out for drawing their character wrong :(

sunpop 11 months ago

I do it every year! Imo the people upset about not getting revenges are going about it with the wrong mindset- the fun part is getting to draw things for other people, it's not really a transaction. That said, I've been really lucky to get a lot of attacks from friends and strangers alike- last year I got 20 attacks total, and I also did 20 attacks against other people (not all revenges, a bunch random)

pleurodelinae 11 months ago

I've done it before but rarely have I had a year where I'm not interrupted by business in the middle of the month, so I rarely get to do a lot. Trying again this year, though! Maybe we can revenge each other :-)

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

lots of mixed reviews... but I think I'm gonna give it a try this year! I have some time off in July for the first time in forever, so it seems like it could be fun :) I'll probably make another post about it later, but if anyone wants to connect on artfight and revenge each other this year you can find me at @theartofmadeline (

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just stumbled across your summer solstice page! i really love the vibes, what a great way to celebrate the season! I'd love to do something similar :)
I'm thinking about starting a pixel club too 😭
thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

ahhh that's so exciting!! I have a couple of ideas floating around but I have to sit down and settle on one

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solaria 11 months ago

i dont have any good ideas atm, ive been trying to think of something that would make sense as a collection, but would allow a lot of customization ^^

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

finding something that allows for a lot of customization is the hard part! i'm gonna hace to do some testing to see if any of my ideas would actually work lol

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pip-pepping 11 months ago

first thing that popped into mind: dragons

pip-pepping 11 months ago

itty bitty dragon committee

thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

dragons would be such a good one!!

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

added a star wars legends page to the library because I love that shit

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

revamped my adoptables page! added some plant propagation pixel art that you can add to your own site :)

joined the kitty friends pixel club! love my little space cat (

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CreatedApr 19, 2023
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shrine vintage art literature asexual