Toji's World 9.0 ~The Aqua Groove~

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Living in Japan is known to change people. But has it changed me?
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While Japan doesn't have "lockdowns," they do have State of Emergencies for dealing with the coronavirus. While these SoEs don't have any real teeth, and aren't really enforced, businesses tend to abide by them by shortening their hours. In some cases, they'll temporarily close for the duration - including the gym I usually go to.
The site seemed to have been down for a day (or a few hours at least), but it's back up now.
Japan's apparently facing a shortage of Gundam model kits lately. Explains why the selection is so small at my local Yamada Denki store.
Another blog post. Less about Japan, and more about how it seems like my country is abandoning its citizens that are stranded overseas. Can't help but think that the government and the people would rather demonise its own citizens that are stranded abroad than see them return.
Following the recent update, new blog post added. ブログの記事は久しぶりだ(笑)
Apparently, Neocities doesn't support .htc file extensions without upgrading to Supporter. So for now, I'll continue with the whole redirect business. Any updates made to the site I will post here. Oh, and I just updated the site, so please check it out.
Posted something on my blog after two months. Been difficult getting through the days lately, but need to keep myself occupied too so I don't dwell on things too much....

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedAug 11, 2020
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