to the end of the sky...

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tsuinosora 6 months ago

New blog post! I'm now part of the denpa webring too :3

I AM SO SORRY I didn't mean to delete your msg, I misclicked. Always happy to get another person into the VNs I like :3 Hope you like them too (also your site is so cool omg??)
1 like
whiona 6 months ago

THAT'S OKAY!! Neocities makes it wayy too easy to delete stuff. And thank you so much! I'm nearly done with Umineko and want to read more VNs. I read a lot of indie OEL ones back in the day (particularly bishounen dating sims lolol) but haven't read so many Japanese ones.

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tsuinosora 6 months ago

NICEEEE Umineko is a super good one!! :D I hope you've enjoyed that absolute trip

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whiona 6 months ago

It's wild LMAO. I love Bern and Lambda, peak toxic yuri.

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I am absolutely honored by the follow, your site is so cool and funky. It reminds me a lot of hot chocolate with strawberry syrup in it, but not too sweet? I don't know how to describe it. Either way, very good site :D
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nonkiru 6 months ago

Oh!! Thank you so much, that's such a wonderful compliment. It makes me wanna make a hot chocolate myself, even if it's kinda warm over here. โ™ช(^โˆ‡^*) I really enjoy your site's design, it's very refreshing!

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Hello lovely mutuals and friends!! Does anyone have anything specific they'd like to see more of on my cool stuff page? I want to add more, but am unsure as to what I should add...
maggotgirl2002 6 months ago

i like your writings + any insights or reviews you have on visual novels

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meowbark2000 6 months ago

do you collect anthing irl I always love seeing other peoples collections and stuff

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Finished my HMDS:GrB shrine page!! I'm quite proud of the journal tabs :3
tsuinosora 6 months ago

"med did you seriously make a blank box for the tab's flexbox column so you could adjust spacing easier without pushing it away from the edge of the screen" modern problems require modern solutions, comrade

tsuinosora 6 months ago

(Read: I'm still brainfoggy from the whole "fucking up my hand washing a blender" thing and couldn't rub my braincells together to find a solution)

I was bored and clicking thru your site and OMG THAT'S MY VN GUIDE!!!! I'm honored that you linked it asdhgksad also I love ur site sm
1 like
aubr 6 months ago

HI!!!! i couldn't respond bc my account was still new LOOLLLL but thank you!!! i love love love ur site and i LOVE LOVE LOVE subahibi!!!! its in my top 3! i read thru some of ur blog too & i really agree with you about cross channel!! ok thats everything i just had 2 say that all at once LOLL

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tsuinosora 6 months ago

"med you probably shouldn't be coding rn" shut uuuup :_;

Why is it, that EVERYTIME I have stuff to add to my site, I immediately get injured and can't update my site
tsuinosora 6 months ago

I can't use my right hand for like a week :( well I can but I have to rest my pointer finger for like a week. It was a bad enough wound I probably should have gotten stitches but it's healing okay lol

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I'll make a new blog post sometime tomorrow. It's a hefty one :/
God, I'm going to have to make an actual post on this, huh. I can't believe I have to say this: my email on my page is for web dev stuff only, like reporting bugs, or webring stuff, or sending pictures/theories of Ayana Otonashi. It is not, and I'm just using a random example here, a way to contact me if I have you blocked everywhere else. Jesus Christ.
tsuinosora 7 months ago

You won't get the response you want ๐Ÿ˜œ I barely ever check my email and I can just filter any further messages into a folder for safe-keeping that I don't need to look at

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CreatedFeb 13, 2023
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