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turbuggy 1 month ago

ALL ART IS UP FOR NOW!!!! I have some new art that I haven't posted anywhere yet, a few pieces from late last year I need to find, but otherwise this is the backlog from my Twitter & Tumblr!

turbuggy 1 month ago

Honestly I could probably find art MUCH older on my old DeviantArt and Tumblr askblogs, though I'm not certain if I have the strength to add more at the moment. I just uploaded 274 images xD

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turbuggy 1 month ago

Added a music player to the homepage!! 14 whole entire songs for YOU!!!! :D

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Added a button for the best site ever............ the blob garden
2024-2018 art is all up, just need to finish 2017-2014!
noellesuplex 1 month ago

Your art is so good! More pictures of Laszlo is always a treat, and I love all your pony OCs.

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turbuggy 1 month ago

@noellesuplex I just saw this THANK YOU V MUCH!!!!! :D

Hey! I noticed you have a little march of pony ocs on your site and you say people can submit their own. Any chance my Space Cadet could get on there? There is a trot gif of her on my site.
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turbuggy 1 month ago

Yeah for sure!! I'll put her in there now :D

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Finished the layout for the art pages, now I just need to actually add the art onto them xD
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Created a proper landing page for the site!!! All the links inside should go to "/home" now, but lmk if you spot any I missed!!
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turbuggy 1 month ago

I coded the landing page *nearly* from scratch, so I'm hoping it works alright on other computers!! I also ran into some problems while trying to add a graphic onto the right side, so that's something I'll figure out later!


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CreatedMar 16, 2023
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