The Unchallenged Sky

445 updates
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Glorious Qiao update, I'm going to upload the rest of Part 4 and do some url cleaning (goodbye 3A-D, you're going to be actual chapter numbers now). Then I might go about making an art page and collect all the marginalia I've drawn for it. I'm in that weird limbo where I don't know if I want to continue this as a webnovel or try for a traditional publishing route...
unchallenged-sky 11 months ago

What makes this more difficult is that the more I put out, the less likely it'll get picked up by a publishing house. And maybe my point of view is filtered by the free media I grew up with as a teenager (the webcomic boom of the 2010s) that have affected me deeply as a writer. I guess that's the struggle of being a creator; putting things out there and simply waiting.

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unchallenged-sky 11 months ago

All this to say, the Glorious Qiao is my love letter to xianxia and the myths I grew up with as a child. It is a hard sell on multiple levels: a multigenerational story with no clear protagonist, a narrative that spans centuries and jumps from genre to genre. Things will get WILD. I haven't even hit the major time skip.

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unchallenged-sky 11 months ago

I do want to thank the people who have been reading! Thanks for taking a chance on a wild winding narrrative that just now is getting to the hurt that I've been writing towards.

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capaxinfiniti 1 year ago

i have GOT to catch up on these updates omL

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CreatedJul 18, 2022
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fiction serial fantasy chinese xianxia