
3,701 updates
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Hello Neongarden, curious, how do you get those effects on your home page? Looks incredible!
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undeadredhead 2 years ago

volta's right, but I didn't write it myself, I got the code from here:

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seltsamhaus was updated.
2 years ago
how THE FUCk does anyone manage to maintain anything close enough to a sense of digital identity to settle on a fucking username??? I feel like I'm insane because I can't keep a url for more than three months without hating it
undeadredhead 2 years ago

And another thing: why is it that whenever I find a username I like it turns out to be taken by someone who made and account like 3 years ago and hasn't done anything with it since? Why is it like this on every website? What are we gonna do when all possible combinations of letters are used up?

melonking 2 years ago

I think people grow into the names, I don't love mine but Iv had it since I was 12.. Its too late to change it now 😅

ghostcastle 2 years ago

the trick is to have a different name for every site and to hate all of them

hellspit 2 years ago

omg I feel u on the username thing I saw one url that’s been taken since 2015 AND THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING WITH IT it made me so mad lmfao

seltsamhaus was updated.
3 years ago
I want a whole new site but I feel so uninspiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddugggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
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undeadredhead 3 years ago

I'm really over the purple layout but idk what else to doooo. My css is broken and i dun wanna fix it.

flamedfury 3 years ago

time to get stuck into some new music or something and get inspired :D

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triptych 3 years ago

Maybe check out other sites on neocities, or sites like or

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My god, I made a Twitter to follow some erotic horror artists (since it seems to be the only place that lets NSFW artists exist in peace these days) and it's already an overwhelming, soul sucking void.
haxrelm 3 years ago

Shit, is Twitter taking out NSFW artists now?

joppiesaus 3 years ago

not afaik, i think neongarden means that twitter is a place with an overwhelming amount of posts, opinions etcetera idk

I've officially begun the process of moving my site over to Leprd :3
I tried to write in your guestbook but it's broken :(
meesh 3 years ago

aaa weird, must've been a temporary glitch or something? either way i think it's fixed now because i posted something myself! thanks for letting me know

Kiiiiiiiind of wanna move to another hosting thing so I can have subdomains for all my various alter-egos and projects, but I wonder how much I'd be losing by breaking away from Neocities? Have you ever considered moving to different hosting? What do you think?
metatronzero 3 years ago

i host my site on and it's sooooo much better to host somewhere other than neocities, after switching over i can do a whole ton of stuff that just wouldn't be feasible on neocities. i like the community here though so i simply just have my neocities site act as a spash page that links to my actual site hosted elsewhere

meesh 3 years ago

I love the Neocities community a lot which is why I made a page here. However, I've personally had my own hosting under Interserver for 2 years so that's my personal recommendation! There's plenty of other good ones though. I think violet has a cute idea in having a neocities site that acts as a splash page

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haxrelm 3 years ago

Neocities is mostly focused on personal websites and minor projects. It's best to switch if you want to do more with your site

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melonking 3 years ago

The best thing about neocities as a host is reliability, its so basic that it just cant break. Almost every other platform Iv used has died after months or years. That and the feedback loop of being inspired by other sites and getting exposure for yours is fun. Other hosts can certainly do more complex things, but there can be a beauty in limitations too.

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CreatedAug 5, 2016
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