
1,914 updates
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what happened to seraphsanctum? Their site is blank and I didn't see any sign of them leaving
arandomsite 1 year ago

i dont know. i remember the site but didnt interact with the owner that much

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vencake 1 year ago

last time it was captured live was in august

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VenCake was updated.
1 year ago
themeswitcher is fully working for halloween (ignore previews they're always wrong). If anyone finds any weird bugs or pages I missed, I'd be grateful if you let me know C:
VenCake was updated.
1 year ago
vencake 1 year ago

themeswitcher is a wip, but mostly done. Need to make it the default and make some small changes ;o

enflicted 1 year ago

I've attempted to make my own theme switcher a few times, they never quite work right, may I ask, are you using javascript at all?

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enflicted 1 year ago

Oh man! thanks for the link, I was using JS in my testing and the only thing that wasn't working, was the themes were not saving via user, I knew it had to be cookie, or localstorage related, I'll have to give this another go, appreciate it! =D

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vencake 1 year ago

np, if you hit a wall feel free to copy pasta the code on mine, or message me.

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Omg ur site is so freaking cool!! thx sm for the follow!! <3
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vencake 1 year ago

thanks so much! Always happy to follow another mcr fan 8)

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VenCake was updated.
1 year ago
VenCake was updated.
1 year ago
Treasure Planet is one of my favourite animated movies of all time. Rewatched it with the bf recently!! Excellent found family with heartwarming scenes and was progressive for its time. Didn't shy from darker themes and had male characters visibly crying and it not being ridiculed, instead it being shown as organic and human. Highly recommend viewing (or rewatching)!
enflicted 1 year ago

Haven't seen it myself, I think it may be time to though! thanks for the suggestion, haven't seen a good, and I mean good movie in a long time.

valycenegative 1 year ago

The italian version even had exclusive soundtrack! X3

vencake 1 year ago

@valy I had no idea! -goes to hunt it down-

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VenCake was updated.
1 year ago
vencake 1 year ago

Added an article on tolerance. Been writing it for a while.

I get more reach here than masto so... opinions on posting OC only fics on ao3? I actually didn't know you could until recently. Was thinking to myself "what's the point" if I'm the only person that anyone knows who my ocs are...but I also don't wanna horde them forever
sodium-amytal 1 year ago

I do it a lot! It's pretty much the only way to introduce people to your OCs, and readers will click if they like the tropes, genre, tags, etc. It's far better than letting the stories rot on your hard drive forever, imo. And you'll get much better reach on AO3 than someplace like Wattpad, which has an algorithm meant to perpetuate the most popular stuff. It's hell finding anything on there lol. Bless AO3

keltokel 1 year ago

Wait, did they change AO3 policy? Last time I checked (admittedly several years ago) they didn't permit original fiction.

keltokel 1 year ago

Checked their TOS FAQ just now and they heavily discourage it, but seems like you can do it. Quote from FAQ: "We presume that, by posting the work to the Archive, the creator is making a statement that they believe it's a fanwork. As such, unless the work doesn't meet some other criterion, it will be allowed to remain."

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vencake 1 year ago

@sodium hmm I am leaning towards that. I think the last time I used wattpad was when it first came out lmao!

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vencake 1 year ago

@kel I hadn't checked, I've only seen people tag it as such. Damn that sucks, I mean people get around it regardless but I guess they didn't want it to become like wp...? no idea

sodium-amytal 1 year ago

the TOS is basically "if it's fannish, it's allowed" and their definition of fannish is very lenient. the Original Works section wouldn't exist and have over 177k works if they truly discouraged it. They're more likely to ask you to remove a ko-fi link in your fics than an OW. So no worries, you're not skirting the rules or anything by posting OW there

vencake 1 year ago

@Sodium (sorry couldn't find another way to message you) In the off-chance you see this: tyvm for your insight. My only experience is bookmarking stuff so far@-@

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