Weebfkr's Neocities

77 updates
0 tips
First big update complete with first blog post. I can not figure out why the images want to stack on top of each other. I assume it has to do with the display:inline of the parent container but really, I have no idea. Instead of figuring it out I just made the pictures have a black background and now you cant even tell they are just one on top of the other.
hey weird question sre you the austrian that wants to be pen pals!!!??? i have no way to contact you!!
weebfkr 5 months ago

lol no we've never talked. I'm american

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I am so proud of it not being all crappy on mobile now. Check out my site on your phone! It doesn't suck!
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It took me way too long to figure out how to have a picture in the background that didn't move on mobile. But now it is fixed and I can continue my lessons. Hopefully there is something new on my site in a few days.
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Thanks for the follow! Good luck on your HTML journey 💪

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Last updated 17 hours ago
CreatedDec 22, 2023
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