BadGraph1csGhost's Website

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I've also decided to make "honourable mention" sections for all the 15 essential games pages that haven't got one. That means finding 10 more GB/GBC games and making a page for it of course... :/
Track 3 of Sims25th is complete! It DEFINITELY wont be track 3 on the final product tho! =^-^=
1 like
This is cool! I loved the old webrings :) im not really a "spooky" site tho, i mostly write about normcore retro videogames.
Whoof!! Not touchin' THAT stuff with a 39 1/2' pole ._.
Cool site! thx for the follow :3
Cool design! Looking forward to seeing more :3
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fepir 3 days ago

Thank you so much!! <3

badgraph1csghost 3 days ago

If my index page is inaccessible, that's because of a failed redirection experiment I tried just now.

astrossoundhell 2 days ago

Honest question: why do you do inline styling for each element? CSS exists starting 1996 and basic stuff won't break compatibility, so putting all the common inline styles (like margins, background colors, etc) into one .css file and attaching it to all of your pages would greatly save bandwidth, since the .css file would be cached, while every HTML would have less symbols total?... or am i missing something?

badgraph1csghost 2 days ago

I got cursed by the InstallShield Wizard.

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badgraph1csghost 2 days ago

But seriously, I don't know why. I'm not really in a place where I'm willing to change my workflow at the moment, so there's that too.

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Ironically today's entry has no song on it. oh well, i posted a song earlier on Tina's Tunes.

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Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedAug 18, 2022
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1990s computers gaming retrogaming nostalgia