Casuistry: convivial cemetery

5,712 updates
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hey thanks for the comment! i thought so as well and felt like being with the changes in my life that it should reflect my website at the very least. How about you? Any big updates coming soon? Hehe. Anyway the banner is up, see:! Thanks for using it ^^
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casuistry 11 months ago

Thanks for the response! Glad I can once again proudly display your banner...maybe that's an interesting potential change, a place I can write about cool sites like yours, though I guess I could beef up /links for that. Anyway, I'm not sure. My site has been in stasis for a while. All I've done recently is improve the loading time and w3 validation. If I start on anything new I'll let you know, I appreciate it friend

All of your buttons finally have the place they deserve at the bottom of the page <3
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Hey everyone, I'm toying with opening the guestbook as a companion window when you enter the site. I'm hoping it will encourage people to post! On the other hand, it feels a bit spammy, tbh. What do you guys think I should do? I could always choose a third option (like a popup element in the middle of the screen with a button to open the guestbook, if you so choose)
growlingspace 1 year ago

the current guestbook is a bit lonely as it is on its own page so heck yeah, do it

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casuistry 1 year ago

haha, you make a good point. Thanks for the encouragement as always!

Thanks for the follow :) Your site's aesthetic is amazing (is that Minecraft font I see?). Everyone on Neocities is such an artist! Couldn't be me, lol
growlingspace 1 year ago

Yeah! I love using custom fonts to add a bit more soul to the website haha. You're website looks great though, otherwise I wouldn't have followed. Make sure to keep up the content (and integrity), i'm rooting for you :)

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casuistry 1 year ago

Thanks so much for the compliment! After reading your writings, I just want to say you're what I aspire to be: someone baring their soul in their own unique way. So I'll keep up the integrity (although it may not seem like it at the moment if you check my site...)

Thank you all so much for 10,000 views!
asterion 1 year ago

Congratulations on the milestone!

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casuistry 1 year ago

asterion, you're coming up on it yourself! People need to see your research!

Thanks for your kind comment. Yes, it was time for me to move to a modern website template. More content is on it's way.
Leave me a message in my guestbook everyone!
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Hi casuistry. Yes, I do support international standards and try to use them wherever I can.
You're probably responsible for 50% of breakthroughs in this field. Legend
asterion 1 year ago

Hi casuistry, thank you for visiting my website and thank you for the kind words. I really do need to add more to my website for there is a lot more to reveal. I hope to add some of that soon.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedJan 12, 2023
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personal blog casuistry philosophy