Cheytopia 3000

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vashti 1 month ago

I am similarly not able to protest. If you get arrested, you could potentially be barred from teaching, or in my case, ever getting licensed. & in our beloved country, I can get arrested for exercising "my right" to peacefully protest. Yippee ♡!

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vashti 1 month ago

At some point, all I can wonder is why we even bother calling it "a right" if we're not allowed to do it, or only able to do so conditionally. Rights don't exist on paper, they exist in practice.

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Completely agree Vashti. The dissonance people seem to have on this is insane. Most of the people around me think the protests are going too far, while saying they appreciate protests. They're all fixated on the "right" way to protest while paying absolutely no attention or to playing neutral about the actual issue at hand. They dont care if anything gets done, they just want the protests to stop. :(

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