Cheytopia 3000

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inkcaps 1 month ago

I'm sorry to hear that you were struggling to integrate in the new group! It can be really hard feeling like the odd person out when everyone seems well-acquainted, and what sucks is that you haven't really had the chance to mingle at rehearsal :/ at least you have a chance to lay horizontally Thursday night!!

cheytopia 1 month ago

It's ok! Doesn't hurt my feelings or anything just leaves me scratching my head a bit lol. Like it's back to the drawing board I guess! But still much to celebrate and much to look forward to!

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vashti 1 month ago

@Chey, props to you for taking the initiative! I've been living like a hermit for the past couple of months.

cheytopia 1 month ago

@vashti hermitude (a word I made up I'm convinced should be real) can be so delicious and restorative! It's definitely more comfortable than putting yourself out there. I'm hoping more exposure to these situations gives me some more resilience when it comes to social anxiety. I think the situation would've benefited from a bit more structure lol.

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vashti 1 month ago

re: "Hermitude," I use that word all the time! Annoyed it isn't "real" LOL

cheytopia 1 month ago

@vashti ah so it isn't my creation. it just makes sense though!

inkcaps 1 month ago

"Just being alive is a good enough reason to celebrate" WORD!!!!!! Being alive is a miracle in itself, we should make the most of what this lifetime has to offer!! Your weekend-y weekend sounds fabulous (aside from the Man) and I'm happy you took full advantage of it!! ♡♡

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cheytopia 1 month ago

I agree! I'm so glad that resonated <3 Life's too short not to make it fun when you can, whatever that means for you.

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Wow! 50,000 views!!! When I started this site I truly didn't expect anyone at all to see it. Thank you to anyone who has ever cared even a little bit about my silly little site <3
Stunning site! Excited to really dig into it. Thank you for the follow <3
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lostlove 1 month ago

same to you too! you seem like a cool person, looking forward to your updates. :)

I sense that neocities changed the way that site update posts are generated but I can't seem to make sense of it. Anyone know what the algorithm is?
cheytopia 1 month ago

Ah, that's exactly it and makes total sense now! Thanks Manul, you were fast!

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manulzone 1 month ago

I love reading your updates

cheytopia 1 month ago

@manulzone you're so kind! It means a lot to me that you're here :) your mini bloglog is so charming

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Peeping your album wall was so fun!! I'm a big fan of Lady Gaga as well--I can't quit the Fame Monster, haha ;u; good luck with continuing guitar practice and making new connections at work too!! Hopefully there's someone you can vibe with ♡

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Omg yes @inkcaps it's such a timeless classic! Gaga literally raised me like that is truly mother. My music tastes aren't esoteric or obscure but i do know what I like!

inkcaps 1 month ago

@cheytopia knowing what you like and gravitate towards is most important tbh!!

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