Cheytopia 3000

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swiftred 3 weeks ago

Your journal2 page looks so cool. I love it

cheytopia 3 weeks ago

Aw thanks @swiftred! It's good to see you back!

cheytopia 3 weeks ago

Ok Neocities keeps making the SECOND page I update the main thumbnail instead of the first... what gives?

cheytopia 3 weeks ago

Omg @Vashti i clicked delete on your comment instead of reply... you essentially said it seems to have to do w what pages are updated most frequently but that you don't get it. I'm with you. This page explains but my experience has not been quite matching

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manulzone 3 weeks ago

Once again you are capturing the human condition

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cheytopia 3 weeks ago

@manulzone this comment is so reassuring somehow. thank you!

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vashti 1 month ago

I am similarly not able to protest. If you get arrested, you could potentially be barred from teaching, or in my case, ever getting licensed. & in our beloved country, I can get arrested for exercising "my right" to peacefully protest. Yippee ♡!

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vashti 1 month ago

At some point, all I can wonder is why we even bother calling it "a right" if we're not allowed to do it, or only able to do so conditionally. Rights don't exist on paper, they exist in practice.

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Completely agree Vashti. The dissonance people seem to have on this is insane. Most of the people around me think the protests are going too far, while saying they appreciate protests. They're all fixated on the "right" way to protest while paying absolutely no attention or to playing neutral about the actual issue at hand. They dont care if anything gets done, they just want the protests to stop. :(

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Behold the q&a that somehow took me all day to complete even though I feel i barely scratched the surface of any of these questions. Thanks again <3

vashti 1 month ago

This was so interesting to read ! I guess I'll send you an in depth email later, but your words about makeup are very interesting to me as someone who is philosophically opposed to the idea of makeup

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manulzone 1 month ago

Very interesting!

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cheytopia 3 weeks ago

Whoops broke the link by archiving the page if you want to read still here you go

I kinda took the air out of this announcement by posting before that I was approaching 100 followers, but I'm pleased to announce that I have officially achieved and surpassed the milestone :) thank y'all for being here and giving me respite from the drudgery of everyday life <3 y'all give me so much to look forward to each day
cheytopia 1 month ago

In an act of cowardice (because I will delete this comment if no one responds LOL) I am deciding to copy my dear mutual Vashti in doing a commemorative 100 followers Q&A. If you're curious about anything please drop your inquiries here :)

crepuscular 1 month ago

A well deserved reward for all your creativity and hard work on the site. Congrats !

inkcaps 1 month ago

Ahhhh congrats Chey, each and every one of them is well-deserved! :D As for your Q&A, what are some things on your bucket list?

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Another question: what makes you feel most like "yourself"? This could be a particular place, hobby... anything!

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futureempressoftheuniverse 1 month ago

congrats! for the q&a: what's your favorite creature from the ocean?

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vashti 1 month ago

How do you pursue beauty in your daily life? Go to snack & go to coffee shop order? Favorite weather? Relationship with religion? Current aspirations or overall life's dreams?

1 like

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