CritterPrince Toys

5,534 updates
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your page is so cute!!!! I love the idea of scanning and using coloring pages for site stuff! :D looking forward to see what you add!
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1 like
Hi y'all! I wil be back NEXT WEEK!!!! So updates should resume from there, I have some really cool ideas for my site that I am really excited about so stay tuned!!!
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critterprincetoys 8 months ago

ALSO i would like to make my site more accessible in general, so i'm planning on adding a dark mode and making all the text larger across the site!

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i'll b away from my computer till september so my site is going on pause like, more than it already is lol. Hopefully when I get back i'll have the energy to work on it more!
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Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedAug 4, 2022
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toys dolls collections