The Bone Folder

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Hi all, big news (well, for me anyway.) I finally got this site hosted on its own domain. You can see it at Thanks to my partner, without whom I would have a really hard navigating this web hosting stuff. I plan to still publish a mirror site on Neocities but haven't set that up yet. AND I'm working on a complete site redesign that's 100% coded by me, rather than from a template.
Your Website has a beautiful aesthetic. Its a delight to look through
1 like
emilynhoward 1 month ago

Thank you. :)

Gave the same flexbox treatment to the Writing and Links pages. I also added a lot of links! It now contains everyone I follow on Neocities. I am beginning to think seriously about redesigning this site although I don't know what it will look like yet. If all goes to plan, it will soon be hosted on my own server and I will use Github to push a mirror site to Neocities.
It means a lot to me that you read Adjusts Itself to Midnight. I told myself that if I touch one person with it, that will be enough. Mission accomplished. :)
sneekrealm 1 month ago


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Thank you for your compliment! ^.^
Made my first ever 8-bit art, a little Field Notes notebook, and added it to the site.
nohappynonsense 1 month ago

your site is mad good

I added a new piece to my writing page, Adjusts Itself to Midnight. It is a long-format, mixed-genre piece about queer heartbreak, love, and growth in the aftermath of being ghosted. Maybe it's your jam, maybe not, but I am very proud of how the writing and the web design came together. It can be viewed on mobile but the full experience requires a larger screen.
pixelglade 1 month ago

The Velveteen Rabbit is a great book, I listened to a version of it as an audiobook as a child. I still remember the rocking horse talking about what makes something real to the rabbit.

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sneekrealm 1 month ago

this shit (on top of generally being under the weather tonight) brushed strong against old wounds in my heart (/compliment) (tho my personal experiences moderately different but still felt on some of the struggles in this piece)

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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedMar 4, 2024
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