
1,254 updates
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Heya. Hope all is still well for you, and I hope things are working out. *Hugs*
Hey, hope you're doing okay. *Hug* ^^
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ju1ia 3 months ago

sry for the slow reply, i am okayish just taking things very slow not to get overwhelmed. theres a lot going on irl that i have to cope with and appointments to go to so i dont end up having energy to stay online much x_X hope youre okay too!

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era-of-antares 3 months ago

I hear you, life has gotten pretty hectic for me too. "Hectic" is not a strong enough word.... Too nice a word too, really.... I'll tell you later. But NP on taking things slow, I'm the exact same way. Just wanted to check in. ^_^ I was wondering if we could talk through email, if you're comfortable with that? I could post my address here real quick & you can email me whenever. Totally cool either way!

hi everyone. it's been almost a year since i "disappeared", aka went through some traumatic things and got too overwhelmed and disconnected myself from everything and everyone. im sorry to my friends that i made you feel worried or hurt because i didnt tell you what happened. i know it wasn't fair, but i was too messed up to do better. i'm going to try to slowly make my way back online here now.
ju1ia 4 months ago

i'm a bit scared to go on discord or other sites so while ofc i don't mind if anyone writes me stuff, i still need some time to get myself used to being in these spaces again and i cant promise i will reply to anyone quickly anywhere. it's also okay if anyone reading this feels that they were hurt by me leaving and don't want to talk to me anymore, i understand that too. sending virtual hugs to everyone.

yupthatsme 4 months ago

Welcome back!

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era-of-antares 4 months ago

Hey!! Good to see you!!! 2023 was a terrible year for everyone, it seemed. I'm so sorry, and I hope everything is at least bearable now. I hope we can get caught up soon, I'm still on SpaceHey and still have you added when and if you feel comfortable talking there. ^_^ And no worries, I'm not mad at you, stuff happens yo.

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I miss talking to you so much. Your the best and only true friend I've made in my short existence. Those 3 months of our friendship was magical, I enjoyed making comics, learning things and sharing common interests with somebody who I had a lot in common with. You were one of the greatest people I met and I really hope you return, I really miss talking to you and making things.
ju1ia 4 months ago

hey kyle. i'm sorry for going away for so long. i saw the notification for this comment and i felt i really have to read it. i cant write too much in here but thank you for reminding me that you're my friend and that you're not angry that i "disappeared". i will try to come back and talk more soon. i miss you too. i had some really bad times irl and im sorry i disconnected myself from you and others for this long :(

redretrotriangle 4 months ago

I'm so sorry to hear bad stuff happened and you had a bad year, I haven't really had a good year either. You only deserve good things! And of course im not angry im really really really happy to see your message! Tell me if there is anyway I can help! There is so much I want to share and show you >_< Ive also made a lot of games with different game engines that you might like so I can show you too! Thank you for

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redretrotriangle 4 months ago

replying it makes me really happy! I hope the best for you and only good things come towards your way.

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I miss you!! *Hugs* I hope you're doing okay. I got loooots to tell you and show you when you get back.... Also, I love the updates to your page!! Your artwork is incredible. :D
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ju1ia 4 months ago

i know im 8 months or so late on this, but thanks for the message and im sorry i went away like that. i went through some bad things and got really overwhelmed with depression and disconnected myself from everyone. thank you for thinking about me and i hope you're doing okay (and that you see this, but i'll try to get on everywhere else slowly. just step by step for now.)

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era-of-antares 4 months ago

I just now saw this, emails didn't notify me for some reason, but either way. No need to apologize, I respect it when people need to take time to themselves. I'm just sorry that in your case it was for such a negative reason, I just hope nothing too severe happened. Take your time, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just happy and relieved that you're back. :D *Hugs*

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ju1ia 4 months ago

thank you :') <333

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era-of-antares 4 months ago

Np. ^_~ *Hug!*

ive been busy irl but im okayish and coming back soon. sorry for the radio silence...
new parts added to the dollmaker, including a new body pose, a heart-eyes face, new hair and clothes :3
hey! i sent u some parts in the submission form, lmk if it worked XD
dollzrevival 1 year ago

it worked! thx for submitting them, adding to the maker and putting up the credit rn! :D

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we should have some dollz community challenges like making customs on specific bases (monthly or weekly or something), or new parts for fellow current dollmakers... :3 (i say as im putting together stuff to submit to Revivalz hehe)

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CreatedDec 4, 2022
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