Sweetheart Memory: A New Rose

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Finally received an email from a professor interested in discussing research opportunities though I didn't get to be in his like I was hoping. We are meeting next week and I'm nervous. I've been genuinely rotting in bed all week so this is the boost I need I think. Pray that something comes out of this!
sweetheartmemory 1 day ago

On a more site relavant note I will be a bit offline because I'm drowning in summer classes work and also have an EMT class starting in 17 days. I probably could have done more on this site with the amount of time I had this month but the lack of motivation to complete tasks is getting worse lol. I hope to have something new in a month or two though :)

I understand that coding and webdesign is time consuming and pouring your heart into a website just for it to have few eyes on it can be disheartening, but also treating neocities like some social media follow for follow platform is insane. On the other hand that callout account would be taken a lot seriously if the whole layout wasn’t so unserious.
sweetheartmemory 1 day ago

If you want to spark a genuine conversation about the nature of the block button, spam following and liking and sites like divsel using it to their advantage that was not the way to do it. I don’t really care about neocities drama but I’ve always wondered why divsel had so many followers and liked all my updates lol. Thought It out to genuine interest and not some cocky dude.

mythltoc 1 day ago

why tf we are having neocities drama arent we supposed to code and have fun ;-;

sweetheartmemory 1 day ago

@mythltoc no clue but bringing twitter and insta callout behavior to neocities of all places is crazy

humanityisnotbeautiful 1 day ago

yeah like this entire issue is just really sad to me tbh. while i really dont like ban-divsels amateur and twitter-esque approach to this issue, i do think its pretty clear that divsels a bit of an asshole and that his behavior was just arrogant and selfish. he exploited the very system he criticized, and its downright hypocritical

sweetheartmemory 1 day ago

@humanityisnotbeautiful It seems like he's the bad attention is still attention type which is such immature behavior.

sweetheartmemory 1 week ago

I have so much to do and very little motivation to do anything!

darkfr0stt 1 week ago

Your home page is one of the most beautifulest pages that I've come across it is absolutely gorgeous 🤍

1 like
THIS IS SO COOL WHAT, loving vkei sm
sweetheartmemory 2 weeks ago

My button looks blurry as hell :/

1 like
trish 2 weeks ago

love the greyscale palette its so subtle but bold

1 like
trish 2 weeks ago

your music player there made me think malice mizer was on spotify finally...

1 like
love your website!! 🫶
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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJul 28, 2022
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