
3,953 updates
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dustedpink was updated.
10 hours ago
Your site may not have that much content on it but it has an impeccable vibe! That heading font goes so hard.
polychromexd 1 day ago

AAAAH THANK YOU!!! Hoping to motivate myself to sit down and work on it more lol

Hey everyone! I'm back. Sorry I've been gone, I've been finishing up my degree and dealing with personal stuff. You guys have been doing really great stuff and I'm enjoying seeing all the updates I missed.
saikyo-central 1 day ago

Welcome back! congrats on the degree!

dustedpink was updated.
1 day ago
Kinda just wanna bulldoze my whole site at this point.
kitmeow 2 months ago

It's okay! I did that twice before settling on my current site,..

ghostsalt 2 months ago

If you need help with new site stuff, lemme know :D

1 like
Hey, pink! I noticed an issue using your website. Since you use an iframe instead of individual pages, this means users may encounter pages I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to (see replies), and the users who want to link to a certain page may not be able to do so, as everything is under /home.
1 like
k-cottonears 2 months ago

This is what happens if I middle click on a CD:

1 like
dustedpink 2 months ago

Hey Kuneho, the issue here is that using iframes is the only way to get the page to change the content while keeping the layout the same. I understand this can be done with php but I've heard that's not possible on Neocities. I noticed this issue with middle click so I placed a script which is supposed to disable middle click in that menu element - your browser may not be reading that script.

dustedpink was updated.
2 months ago
dustedpink was updated.
2 months ago
kitmeow 2 months ago

the fucking dumptruck link got me

Let me know when you make yourself a button so I can add you to my links page! :P
Big thanks to everyone who's been keeping an eye on my site recently! Just a friendly reminder that because my page uses iframes to work, the individual html updates you see on Neocities are not the optimal versions of those pages. Please check my site from the main link to view new pages as they go up! :D
saikyo-central 2 months ago

hey, a tip from someone else who uses iframe html's and doesn't like em making the updates look ugly. i try to push the update for the iframe html first and then update the site page. if you do that, even if you go back and update the iframe html, the site page shows up featured in front for the neocities profile update : )

dustedpink 2 months ago

THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA. Thank you. I'll be doing that from now on!


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Last updated 21 minutes ago
CreatedOct 2, 2023
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personal pink design videogames art