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You might not be active anymore, but thanks for the bookmark that makes following neocities easier!
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letslearntogether 1 year ago

I'm not too impressed by ChatGPT's responses, but your ideas and attempts to elicit useful information from it are very insightful! It seems like some form of that would make a good stepping stone towards a full-blown "post-scarcity" gift economy.

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jameso2 1 year ago

Yeah, for the most part it just slightly expanded upon the prompts I gave it and put it into an outline form. But then again, that's pretty much exactly what I asked of it. From tinkering around, I've found that the longer, more detailed, and specific your requests are, the more interesting the results.

jameso2 1 year ago

Either way, this was literally just a shower thought I had, and figured I'd probe GPT to see what kind of response it would give. I've been trying to wring useful info out of GPT lately. Its kinda fun figuring out how exactly it "thinks" and approaches a situation.

i love your site! :D i like the design a lot, and i loved reading your essay on art and motivation!! <3
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Oh man, I love the thick round frames and 3D drop shadow. Cool site!
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xandra 1 year ago

thank you so much!! <33

owlroost 1 year ago

I love the CSS for this- simple, clear, and makes it easier to read.

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jameso2 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm a big fan of keeping it simple.

The profile page button is a great tool to have. And the rest of the page is very cool.
jameso2 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm glad you find it useful. I had a bigger update for my site too but haven't been able to work on it due to carpal tunnel syndrome.

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septet 1 year ago

@jameso2 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it gets better.

hey, sorry i just saw your comment now lol. Grabbed his posts via the reddit BigQuery dataset. Then some custom munging into an HTML file.
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Ooh, that fixed scale background pattern is delicious.
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jameso2 2 years ago

Thanks! Its a pixel pattern I made ages ago for a personal site before Neocities was a thing. The fixed-scrolling CSS effect was something I figured out recently though. I think it works well with this pattern!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 25, 2020
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art videogames programming internet music