Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Awesome site, I love how colorful it is. More is more ;-)
ninacti0n 3 months ago

Eee, thank you so much!! I had a blast coding it, so you can bet it was indeed lots of fun ^^ Still focusing on learning JS and all that jazz... ALSO! You've got some pretty cool arts too x]

ty for the cool sites linked
1 like
ninacti0n 3 months ago

Aw, you're welcome ^^

ninacti0n 3 months ago

Just adding some extra links and icons to the page... I might make an asset where that empty space with the link buttons is at, still figuring it out

ninacti0n 3 months ago

BEHOLD! The new Socials structure :'D It took me so dang long to figure it out... but I can say I'm proud as heck of it! I LOVE the colors eee-

ninacti0n 3 months ago

On the yellow rectangle, I'll put links to artists I like n' stuff. The orange one is for my mutuals and buddies ^^

Alright, so- I FINALLY got the socials page's layout down + the right aesthetic and colors, and wanted to know which of you Neocities peeps would like to have an ad on a corner there? I'll detail the dimensions for the ads I'm fine with below this :]
ninacti0n 3 months ago

Ok so- I'm fine with 230x60, and 115x100. These sound ok to me, and relatively easy to organize on the panel

ninacti0n 3 months ago

However, I also feel like pointing something out: If your site is more explicit (such as being 18+ or explicitly having NSFW or extreme gore), I would rather not link to it for common sense reasons. My audience floats around teens and young adults, and wish to link to sites that float around that spectrum.

dshifter 3 months ago

Where should we send our interest and advertisements? Host them on our own site and let you know via neocities, or through email, etc?

1 like
ninacti0n 3 months ago

Hm- you can contact me through the e-mail on my commissions page, which is inside the creative zone. Neocities works too, but I feel it might clutter my feed if too many people send messages, so e-mail might be it

1 like
Oh wow, so many new followers here :'D People seem to be really liking the site so far! Welcome everyone!
ninacti0n 3 months ago

I hope to recollect some of my motivation and upgrade a bunch of things around the site... I've been really tired for a while, but I still have many ideas I wish to execute here. This site is a passion project, and I shall keep it alive, even if by baby steps

ninacti0n 4 months ago

I know it may sound kinda bad, but all I updated today was the buttons :'] I'm currently studying more coding + taking a break from certain bits. The site's scope ended up much bigger than I originally planned, so I'll be taking a slower time figuring the rest

ninacti0n 4 months ago

I hope to get some coding help in the future, to get some of the more complex bits out of the way, and mainly focus on the art

Heya peeps! Passing by to say I’m on Newgrounds too! I hope it goes well for me there ^^
love your site! i put your button on my homepage in my 'cool sites' section :]
Ok, I'm feeling like it more now... we'll see how it goes. I'll try to write some stuff, code some others, and try to figure other bits out.
ninacti0n 5 months ago

I need to be a bit shaken to the sides, cause I need motivation to kick out the schtuff

dshifter 5 months ago

How's this for a shake? What would it take for an "advertisement" slot on your /socials page?


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding