Hi, I'm Noelle Suplex!

650 updates
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Having an idea to make a page about my top whatever video games. It's a list I've been meaning to make and the website feels like a perfect place for it.
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Sorry the updates have slowed down! Life has been a bit of a doozy lately
noellesuplex 3 weeks ago

Saw the news that 123guestbook is shutting down. Moved to UltraGuest. :p

I'm happy to finally get that horse music page done. Music is my life so it was nice to write about those albums.
Gonna add a section to my pony hub for music I like. I wanna have a music player with some tracks from the stuff I talk about but picking just a couple from each album is hard.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 5, 2022
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gaming nostalgia queer furry nonbinary