arf arf! it's puppyluv!

1,768 updates
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Thanks for looking at my little page! I love the cute and old-school theme you got going! Wonderful resources, too!
you + ur site are the coolest things ive ever seen , oh my god , ur my idol now .
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puppyluv 3 days ago

STAWPP i fell in luv with ur site the second i saw itttt!! we out here! >:3c

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seen a handfull of ppl with digital bujos and planners,,, that is my next venture,,, ive dabbled in making one before when i had 0 coding skills so im excited to see how itll look now that i DO have skills, or at the very least, patience
puppyluv 3 days ago

finally finished coding the entirity of my site for the first time ever :O now the equally as fun part - maintaining it, adding to it, and leaving social media forever to live in my little web corner <3

stepping away from my site and redoing it again 5 days later... yeah.. i was cooking with that
wikihow do you stop feeling like ur website is rly ugly and u want to redo the whole thing even tho u JUST redid the whole thing and u still havent even finished it yet,,,,
puppyluv 1 week ago

i think i have looked at it for too long,,,, going to put it down for a week and then come back and see if i feel the same and if i do... ill just re-code it bc im not rly changing any info,,, hmmm

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angelogistics 6 days ago

i go thru a lot of thumbnailing / design sketches before i start coding so i dont feel locked into a specific choice i make ^o^

puppyluv 1 week ago

YAHOO!!!!!! NEW THEME!!!! and lil stickers of my new lil boyfieeee <3 i luv xdinary heroes so bad,,, nobody gets it

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Last updated 14 hours ago
CreatedOct 16, 2023
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personal journal videogames kpop furry