
803 updates
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Greetings passenger, we trust the welcome catering package was to your liking. Please be sure to wear your assigned slippers for minimum of 10-12 centicycles to prevent psychic intrusion during the adjustment period. UBWU
sunnyshines 3 weeks ago

it was fantastic, thank you. and i'll be sure to keep them on until i've adjusted :)

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vegacollective 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your patience!

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read up more about federifederie and wow that final email was a whole villain speech. kinda sad i missed the whole thing it seems like it was entertaining at least lol ☀️
sunnyshines 4 weeks ago

anyways. will probably draw in a bit. procrastinating an essay i dont feel like writing

sunnyshines 4 weeks ago

thats why people are here right. my art? probably, who really knows lol. hope everyone is well though :3

jackofall 4 weeks ago

I KNOW RIGHT? i swear i read the whole email in the most dramatic supervillan voice i could make.

lays on the floor. i will update my site because it is something i enjoy and there are things to be done. i will do more art because it is a passion of mine and i love doing it. these are things i love and enjoy doing and should do more of. i will keep repeating this until something happens
hey what the fuck happened to federifederie
sunnyshines 1 month ago

are they just... gone? did i miss something?

sunnyshines 1 month ago

i should really be active more lol. i didn't think i was gone long enough for anything like that to happen

sunnyshines 1 month ago

thank you for all the people who archived the bullshit on the wayback machine i love you

silicongirl 1 month ago

As I understand, after everything that went down they were reported for gaming the algorithm to get on the front page and the site was terminated as a result.

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sunnyshines 1 month ago

tbh i like the idea of their mission in a sense, but honestly just because they had a great resource of different sites. would love it if there was another website on here thay had an archive like that but wasnt… overly aggressive.

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sunnyshines 1 month ago

like the longer it went on the more unpleasant they became tbh, and while sure they were helping other sites and all that it really felt more and more like a popularity scheme. idk, i guess thats what the whole thing was for other sites it just started to feel less and less like they wanted to help i guess.

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sunnyshines 1 month ago

hm i guess thats what webrings are for i suppose

hellacool 1 month ago

I've also been inactive and come back to all this. Honestly kinda saw it coming, they were way too harsh for what the project was

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blinks. where am i
sunnyshines 2 months ago

sorry ive been gone. ive been a bit burnt out lately. hopefully ill get back to regular updates eventually. busy time of year for me.


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CreatedSep 5, 2023
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