to be cured

2,479 updates
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hello, long time no see. i miss neocities.. messing around with a quotes generator inspired by diluculo.. oouh. i forgot if it's bad form to microblog in status updates. i also miss journaling, and miss seeing what people do on their sites. i turn 18 years old on the 14th.. i'm still the same as usual. my url is still ribbonns at heart. thinking a lot about omori lately, though. how is everyone?
turd 1 year ago

oh wow it’s such strange timing. I literally looked at your profile today (I was visiting profiles I haven’t seen on my feed in a while) | ω・`) I hope you’ve been well & I hope you have a lovely birthday!

diluculo 1 year ago

imo there's nothing wrong with microblogging in status updates i think, what point is a feature on a site if one won't use it? seeing peoples thoughts and stuff on things is always interesting as well, i never mind seeing it while scrolling the activity tab. also happy early birthday!!!!!!

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fi-do-manin 1 year ago

Missed you!

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to be cured was updated.
1 year ago
meowco 1 year ago

I never knew about the New Super Mario Bros. Wii cards until I found this page. Pretty neat stuff!

to be cured was updated.
1 year ago
to be cured was updated.
1 year ago
fi-do-manin 1 year ago

You have a really pretty voice, loved the electrical knife cover!

i've added a page about vocaloid. check it out if youre interested in that stuff :D
to be cured was updated.
1 year ago
tenderness 1 year ago

oh.... it's done..... (died of htmlcss) been at it for 7+ hours just today. i still plan on tweaking further but nothing more from me today!!! the preset layout for the about page was exciting at first because my knowledge of making containers work is next to zero but i find it's more comfortable when i know how to work with the code i have... probably gonna redo it eventually

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turd 1 year ago

I love your new layout! ~( ◠‿◠ )~

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htmlcss makes the hours fly by :O learning is slow but progress is coming along
i've been looking for the omori sky tile forever! always made me feel some kind of way... thank you for putting it on your site :3
voyager 1 year ago

you're welcome, glad i can help!! :D it definitely has a special emotional impact, something so whimsical about seeing the shapes floating overhead...

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i now have an email up for contact if you wanna chat or just say hi ^^
it's kagepro day!!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 25, 2021
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personal vocaloid nintendo