The Syreth Clan

2,115 updates
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Rewrote the site layout and CSS base from scratch. Still converting the devlogs for BuKnight as well as the entirety of Catscape Navigators, but most of the site is functional. Directories have been deprecated temporarily, I plan to reorganize them.
the-syreth-clan 6 months ago

Update on this: I'm thinking of something else for both BuKnight's devlog and Catscape Navigators as a whole.

Note: The websites have reached 100,000 views in total. For reference, my analytics indicate about 500-600 hits and around 250-300 unique visitors per day. However accurate any of these numbers are is up in the air.
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the-syreth-clan 10 months ago

If you by chance use an RSS feed reader to follow along with the posts of either BuKnight's, or Catscape's logs, now is a good opportunity to set your refreshing to manual if you haven't already done so. Thank you.

Fixed images not being wrapped into their divs properly on BuKnight's lore and Catscape's characters pages.
Updated a few of Catscape Navigators' blog entry pictures to better screenshots. Certain ones such as the Watching Grass Grow or Bus-Stop had to stay as the blog text and the header was related.
Added some more sites to the main directory.
Website overhaul is live.
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Experimenting with some new layouts for the main site for it to look a bit more unified right now. A complete re-organization is in plans but I won't make any changes on the online site until I have something to actually fill the new pages with.
Replaced every single instance of (div class="main") with just (main) across every page. May a god have mercy on our souls.
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Gallery demo page is live. Got some modals going on in CSS because that's how much I spite JavaScript.
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Updated the landing page's links. Main site's web journal has its RSS feed now as well. Also added to my link lists in the About page.
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the-syreth-clan 1 year ago

Of course I put the wrong About pages in the wrong folders.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedNov 18, 2018
Site Traffic Stats


personal art literature syreth gamedev