site 3e3e3e3 site

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Hey, thanks for the follow. Your site is stunningly beautiful. I've fallen down into its rabbit hole for the last hour and I'm transfixed by it. How your story unwinds and loops around like a loose train of thought is just so amazing. I'm not sure if this site was made to vent or not but I hope you find the happiness your looking for <3 I look forward to seeing more updates from you
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3e3e3e3 4 years ago

Thank you! I'm working on making better copy and incorporating more storytelling- I'm glad some of it makes sense. ♡ I use some of my past and current thought processees as well as those from other people I know and have known. I appreciate your concern; I'm actually in a good place right now with my mental health, but Healthy Coping Skills aren't nearly as intresting to make art out of ☀

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedAug 15, 2019
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purgatory creepy interactive love project